The Interface
The main audience interacting with this interface will be primary school children visiting ISTB 4 (Interdisciplinary Science & Technology Building) at ASU. Thousands of young children will interact with this model throughout the year. Therefore, the goal was to create colorful and exciting visuals alongside interesting facts for them to explore, while also designing an interface simple enough for a child to navigate.
The home screen is comprised of 6 main components. The model spacecraft can light up within the Science, Navigation, Communication, and Spacecraft sections. The non-interactive components are in purple; Video and 3D Models house additional information about Psyche. The interface was designed and prototyped within Figma and Illustrator, then with the help of the CS members of my team, they translated the code into the all-in-one monitor, and EE members coded the interaction between the model lights and the interface.

Home Page

Video showing 3D model of spacecraft navigating through space.
Interactive 3D asteroid model.
Interactive 3D model of the Psyche spacecraft.
Connecting to the Model
As my teammate interacts with the buttons, the corresponding lights will change on the life-size Psyche model. Each category is a different color, then when looking at a specific instrument in a section, the location of that instrument will light up on the model.
The video is sped up 2x to quickly show the interactions.
Senior Book
I cover more details about the interactive Psyche model within Chapter 2 of my senior book, including pictures of the space and progress photos. This project was the capstone that served as a major part of my senior year in college.

The Future of the Exhibit
As this project was a product of my team's senior capstones, all the coding and design files will be passed down to undergraduates that will join the project in the future. We set the foundation of the design and functions, and once it is fully finished, it will be hung on the ceiling of ISTB 4 on the ASU Tempe campus.

Fun fact: this photo did not originally include everyone, so I photoshopped us all in this picture!